
Scary places that are not recommended 4

If you take a look at it today, we see that this expression of fun and happiness is surrounded by trees and plants and eat all the food that are Rsandnsh. It's inconvenient places that are suddenly leaving no decision to replace or repair them there. But there are worse things than this.Here is a place that was closed without any official explanation of the name and address does not exist on any map. If they did not know what happened to stop at this place will be waiting!

Humberstone, Lanoria

Hambrstvn and Lanvrya two mining town in Chile have now been abandoned. Following the boom in mineral exploration industry in this country, the two cities were established in 1872 and together.
But the economic downturn and the collapse of the mining boom in 1958 and two years later, the city is also drawn to the closure of the only two remaining Mtrvkhhayy it was boring.

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